Why AICTE, UGC-DEB Approved Online MBAs are the Smart Choice

When choosing an Online MBA program, it’s crucial to ensure that the program is approved by recognized bodies like AICTE and UGC-DEB. These approvals are more than just formalities—they’re indicators of the program’s quality, credibility, and acceptance in the job market.

The Importance of AICTE and UGC-DEB Approvals

AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and UGC-DEB (University Grants Commission-Distance Education Bureau) are regulatory bodies that ensure the quality of technical and higher education in India. An Online MBA program that has these approvals meets the rigorous standards set by these bodies, ensuring that the education you receive is on par with the best.

Moreover, an AICTE and UGC-DEB approved MBA is recognized by employers across India and internationally. This means that your degree will hold value in the job market, making it easier for you to secure promotions, job offers, or even further education opportunities.

Why Shobhit Deemed University?

Shobhit Deemed University, Meerut, offers an AICTE and UGC-DEB approved Online MBA program, ensuring that students receive a quality education that is recognized and respected globally. The university’s commitment to maintaining high standards in education means that graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of the business world.

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